One process water treatment system for all kinds of rinsing water in surface finishing plants

VACUDEST Clearcat system for the treatment of rinsing water

One process water treatment system for all kinds of rinsing water in surface finishing plants

No matter whether it is iron phosphatising, degreasing, or galvanic plating, vacuum distillation systems are state of the art for the treatment and recycling of rinsing water from surface finishing processes. Depending on materials and intended grade of corrosion protection of the parts to be painted, determine the best pre-treatment process. After process steps, applied chemistry and quality requirements of the rinsing water have been defined, the process water treatment system can be engineered. During this procedure not only capacity and type of vacuum distillation system is chosen, but also other components like buffer tanks,
continuous feed neutralization equipment and distillate post treatment equipment like oil separator, ion exchanger and/ or reverse osmosis.

The process water treatment system should run reliably in the first place and certainly fully automatic as well. The surface finishing plant must not be influenced by fluctuating, or even worse, bad rinsing water quality. However, what happens, if some day other materials need to be treated in the surface finishing plant, the chemistry needs to be changed or the quality requirements change? If the surface finishing process changes, rinsing water quality requirements might change as well. In this case often important, cost intensive changes in the process water treatment system are necessary. Enough of that! H2O developed a concept based on most modern technology. It offers flexibility and modularity, allowing application in many different surface finishing and plating the new H2O concept can adapt, thus the operator is always on the safe side. Core of these simplifications is the new VACUDEST series, optimized especially for the requirements in surface finishing, including all necessary functions for the treatment of different kinds of rinsing water. 

The innovative VACUDEST Clearcat System from H2O GmbH

The innovative Clearcat technology, based on physical and catalytical processes, achieves drastic hydrocarbon reductions. No consumption materials or chemicals are needed, thus the Clearcat is extremely feasible and maintenance friendly. Even though expensive active carbon and maintenance intensive residual oil adsobers are not needed any more the distillate leaves he VACUDEST Clearcat vacuum distillation unit crystal clear and virtually free of oil. The distillate can either be reused in the work shop or disposed off into the public sewer.

Destcontrol: The distillate-quality control for acidic rinsing water

 When applying acidic or fluoridic chemistry (iron phosphatising or acidic stainless steel pickling), pH value of the process water needs to be controlled prior to charging the vacuum distillation system with the process water to be treated. Thus a separate continuous feed neutralisation system consisting of agitated tank, pH probe, pH controller as well as dosing system for the lye is required. The new distillate quality control system Destcontrol, integrated in the new VACUDEST series, replaces formerly used continuous feed neutralisation equipment. It measures distillate pH continuously and doses lye directly into the heat exchanger if required. It is assured, that no acidic compounds will end up in the distillate, thus pH and conductivity of distillate is always optimal. Thanks to the smart modularity of the new VACUDEST series, Destcontrol can always be retrofitted on site, without additional tanks or other structural alteration works. 

Clearcat: The system for oil or grease containing rinsing water 

 The patented technology, awarded by the environmental ministry of Baden Württemberg, is applied if rinsing water from degreasing processes needs to be treated. It will also remove other organic pollution. A hydrocarbon index of less than 10 mg/l can always be reached! Cost intensive residual oil absorbers for distillate post treatment are not required any more. Space can be saved and no cost for active carbon replacement will occur. 

Activepowerclean (APC): The system for sludge containing rinsing water reduces energy consumption 

The approved APC3system is used in VACUDEST systems since 1998 successfully. By means of grinding balls, the heat exchanger is cleaned continuously during operation. Scaling on the heat exchanger surface, requiring chemical cleaning, is prevented reliably. In the new VACUDEST series, the Activepowerclean3heat exchanger was generously enlarged and fluid dynamic parameters have been improved, thus chemical cleaning is reduced and energy consumption is reduced by 15%. In addition the new PC grinding balls act like boiling stones and thus reduce foam formation drastically.

Vacutouch: The easy to use control system The new VACUDEST series is equipped with the most modern control system available on the market: the Vacutouch. The new control system improves intelligence of VACUDEST3systems. Many new measuring and control functions help to improve efficiency and reliability of the vacuum distillation system. Thus the whole plant is more competitive. Outstanding are the new remote services. This includes remote control, remote diagnosis and remote maintenance enabling to support our customers online. 

For which kind of rinsing water from surface finishing or plating the new modular VACUDEST concept can be applied?

Degreasing 3 alkaline, neutral or acidic Iron phosphatising, free of fluoride or fluoridic Chromium free conversion (i.e. No Rinse,  SAM) Nanoceramic3Systems (i.e. Bonderite, Oxilan or Eupass) Zink phosphatising with ammonium bifluoride, hydroxyl ammonium sulphate (HAS) or nitrate/ nitrite as accelerator And many more ?

When installing a new process water treatment system for a new or an existing surface finishing plant, one should make sure that the system is flexible and modular. Due to integration of pre– and post3treatment steps VACUDEST® vacuum distillation systems require less space and save money due to equipment which is not required any more. Future proof operators invest part of the money saved in a vacuum distillation system with higher capacity, thus they are prepared for future growth and all other requirements coming up in the future.